Friday, July 31, 2015

Game Informer

Bibliographic information:
Game Informer

Copyright © 2015 Minneapolis, MN

Content Summary: Game Informer is a magazine devoted to the world of gaming. The content includes reviews of upcoming game releases for all platforms, reviews of gaming platforms, interviews with players and creators and stories about outside merchandise connected to video games, such as movies, television shows, books and comic books. The magazine also highlights historic events in the history of the gaming world.

Critical Evaluation: Game Informer is a glossy magazine with tons of content. Young people who are very interested in video games devour the articles and trust the recommendations. The articles can actually be challenging reads, as they delve into some language that is exclusive to the gaming community. The history of gaming is a fascinating piece of the Game Informer content, which connects current trends to historic trends.

Genre: Popular Magazine

Curriculum Ties: N/A

Reading Level/Interest Age: 8th grade/11-21 years

Challenge Issues:  Any challenges to content will defer to the high level of circulation of Game Informer Magazine as shown on

Why Included: This magazine is a very popular magazine in our public library's teen section and has shown itself to be popular for the general public.

Kids Search

Name: Kids Search

Content Summary:Designed specifically for primary/secondary school students according to their needs and search abilities. Includes the ability to search by topic, subtopic, or keywords and the ability to sort results by relevance, as well as by date. Retrieved from:

Critical Evaluation: Kids Search is a simpler database, geared to lower level readers, with more graphic browsing so the searcher does not have to have as high of a reading aptitude to use the database effectively. The results returned in searches on this database are sure to help with research in school projects and extracurricular research.

Curriculum Ties: Research and Writing

Challenge Issues: N/A

Why Included: This is included because it is a simpler database than others for easier navigation geared to challenged readers, so they can find good resources through the library.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Student Research Center

Name: Student Research Center

Content Summary: Students can easily pre-determine which content sources (e.g., Magazines, Newspapers, Biographies, Country Reports, Film & Video) will be included with their search. They can also search their databases by topic heading, use an online dictionary and encyclopedia, explore the top searches of the day, and even limit their search according to appropriate Lexile reading levels. Retrieved from:

Critical Evaluation: Student Research Center is a wonderfully laid out database for students. The search boxes, limitations and expansions of searches and the fine tuning of materials returned is very simple for teens to navigate. The design of the database is easy to read and the navigation is simple and straightforward. SRC is a useful database for library searches and can be used remotely with library login. This allows students flexibility in their research. 

Curriculum Ties: Research and Writing

Challenge Issues: N/A

Why Included: This is included because it is a valuable resource for teen and young adults to use for research. 

InfoTrac Student Edition

Name: InfoTrac Student Edition

Content Summary: With over 1100 titles, cross searchable with E-Books, this periodical database is designed for high-school students with access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, podcasts, and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more. Retrieved from:

Critical Evaluation: InfoTrac Student Edition provides good quality materials in their search results. The full text and indexed periodicals are a great resource for teens. The library's subscription allows students to search remotely using their library log in. This provides students with flexibility in how and where they search, while still providing quality resources that used to only be available from within the library.

Curriculum Ties: Research and Writing

Challenge Issues: N/A

Why Included: This is included because it is a valuable resource for teen and young adults to research for school work. 

Student Resources in Context

Name: Student Resources in Context

Content Summary: For those seeking contextual information on a broad range of topics, people, places, and events. This merges reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience combined with new features such as "Search Assist" and quick fact boxes. Retrieved from:

Critical Evaluation: Student Resources in Context is an in depth database of materials aimed specifically toward Middle and High School students. The materials are easy to find through search navigation, browsing, and following links. Visually, the images on the screen can be distracting from the materials being browsed. Returns on searches are fast and useful. There are great statistical maps that can be manipulated to answer different questions and address a wide variety of research. This database can help students research for projects and papers and returns valuable materials that come from trusted academic sources.

Curriculum Ties: Research and Writing

Challenge Issues: N/A

Why Included: This is included because it is a valuable resource for teen and young adults to research for school work.